Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I haven't posted in awhile...whoops! A lot has happened in the last few months but one of the most important things that has happened for me is that I won a WKA title belt against a tough opponent.  Actually, I will be defending that title against her in a few weeks. I fight June 14th to be exact ;-) 

Training has been good. I've changed some of my routine around. Added more sprints & we've got a new Strength Coach that has been awesome! It seems my training becomes more intense with every fight....which I assume means I'm heading into the right direction. Training is always difficult when working a full-time job. Trying to get enough rest & socializing as much as possible. I went to a concert on Sunday night & around 11:30 p.m. I couldn't help but look at the time & panic I wouldn't get enough sleep. Haha! My diet is strong, which for the most part always is.  Just cleaning it up a bit really makes a difference in my appearance & performance. I'm getting in an average of 2-3 hours of training a day & no days off really. Friday & Sundays I've been limiting to sprints only. I'm really liking this training schedule though. 

So, come June 14th I'll defend the title against the former title holder....it'll be an exiting fight as expected! 

Friday, October 26, 2012


Friendship is a lot like dating. Sometimes when you meet someone new you get so excited about them, spend a lot of time with them, talk to them constantly, share private stuff about yourself with them. You are so thrilled about this new person in your life....and then sometimes, as time progresses, you don't really like that person or their characteristic's the more you get to know them. The friendship ends. And you know what!? That is ok! It's healthy. For a little while I was concerned, because I had a few friendships that ended. And I started to question if it was something with me & it made me upset. But then I started really thinking about it. The friendships that ended....what was I gaining out of this particular relationship? Yes, there was a lot of great things about these people. Why else would I have started a friendship with them if they were not good people? But...upon further reflection I realized it just wasn't a good fit! Yes...same as dating :) I have a few friends that I've been friends with since freshman year of high school (Kerri, Jenn, Michelle & Kelly) & we are ALL in different paths of our lives. Ok, well, maybe it's just me.... :-/ haha ! They are all mothers & I am still single. Sometimes it's hard to "relate" but what I have noticed with them is they always ask me about Muay Thai. Not because they love the sport, like I do, but because they know how important it is to me AND (here's the important part) they see what a positive influence it has had on my life. I certainly cannot relate to what it is like to be a mother. But I still LOVE seeing pictures & hearing their stories. And they love hearing stories about my dating life. And then I have my girlfriends Sharlene, Chrissy & Veronica...they are not Mother's but still completely different than myself. I enjoy all of these friendships a lot. They all teach me more about myself & introduce me to something new. I'm constantly learning more about them & myself along the way.

So, I guess what my point is about this friendship blog, is that just because you have become friends with someone, it doesn't mean it has to last forever. And if the friendship ends, it's ok but if you are lucky enough to have a friend that is supportive in your life and encourages you with your passions....those are the ones to keep forever! I know that if I haven't spoken to any of these girls in a month or so...I can depend on them to pick up right where we left off, without any hard feelings. Those are the ones that have a little piece in my heart.

Friday, October 12, 2012


People often think that the word "strength" that is tattooed on my ribs is meant for physical strength. Actually, it's not! I got the word "strength" tattooed on me to remind myself to always stay mentally strong. Throughout my 32 years on this earth, some crazy shit has happened...ha! Abusive alcoholic step-father, my brothers car accident, my mom's death to name a few....all had to be dealt with in a strong mental state. Sometimes you can't change the situation but you can control how you handle it. And sometimes you can try & take all the negative stuff & find the positive in it. Abusive alcoholic step-dad? Never let a man mistreat you. Brothers car accident? Never take for granted the simple task's of everyday life. My moms death? Try and show gratitude & love....even if it makes you vulnerable. So, when something shitty happens that is out of my control, I try very hard to process the situation & focus on what I can do to take something positive from it. Don't get me wrong, sometimes I break down & cry...actually I think that's healthy & can only help make you even more "strong" but most of the time I try and move forward with positive thoughts. You are only as strong physically as you are mentally...does that make sense? :)


Everyone handles fear differently.  I work in a dental office & every day I have the opportunity to deal with people & their "fears".  Some people won't look you in the eye, some stare at you & never break eye contact, some cry, some get nasty with their words & some stay quiet.   Is there a right or wrong way to do deal with fear?  Not necessarily, but I'd like to think that when dealing with my own fears, I do not hurt others along the way.  Fear is complicated though, isn't it?  It can really limit you as a person & cause you to miss out on some amazing experiences.  I once had this fear of heights.  I'm not really sure why?  As a child, I was always the "tom-boy" & climbed a lot of trees.  I did fall out of a tree once & knocked the wind out of myself....BAD!  Maybe that traumatized me? Anyway, I've had this fear of heights & hated the fact that something could make me so weak in the knees & sick to my stomach.  Even driving across the Tacony-Palmyra bridge turned my stomach.  So, I decided to go skydiving.  Face your fears, right?! It ended up being one of the best experiences in my life.  I felt this HUGE adrenaline rush & this sense of power that I can't describe.  I've had many other fears since then, some I have faced & some I am still getting enough courage to conquer them.  I guess my point is...just because you are scared doesn't mean you should limit yourself to that experience.  It may just be one of the best things to have ever happened to you.......